Admissions open for Grade - XI ( 2025 - 2026 ). Enroll now ...

Our assessments are done both in an informal and formal manner.

Informal assessments are ongoing assessments that are largely based on the teacher’s everyday classroom observations. This may include projects, role play, presentations and also key skills such as comprehension, learning to compare and contrast etc. Social skills such as interacting with peers and classroom behaviour are also taken into account.

Formal assessments include periodic tests that happen every month and quarterly, half yearly & annual assessments that happen end of each term. Apart from employing traditional methods of testing such as multiple choice questions and worksheets, formal assessments also grade students based on their effort and performance in classroom projects and seminars.


Based on the New School Bag Policy - 2020, KG to Grade 2 follow “Nohomework policy”. Simple worksheets [ creative /colouring/identification]are sent. From grades III toXII, regularized assessment sheets for all subjects are sent, in view of consolidating and reviewing their classroom learning. The homework schedule aims at preparing the child to take up their unit tests and term end examinations with ease.


KG: Term I and Term II – Recap activities are conducted.

Grades I- IV: Term I and Term II – Two periodic tests per term.

Grade V: Quarterly, Half yearly and Annual examinations will be conducted.

Grades VI-XII: Quarterly, Half yearly and Annual examinations with intermittent unit tests will be conducted.

Board classes: Additional Revision tests will be conducted.

Olympiad Examinations are organized for students from grades I – XII every year.